Friday, April 30, 2010

Rielle Hunter on Oprah unrepentant about affair with John Edwards

Unrepentant Rielle Hunter, former and possible current mistress of disgraced politician John Edwards, appeared for an interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show on April 29, 2010. Hunter was on Oprah to tell her side of the affair that broke up the marriage of John and Elizabeth Edwards and derailed Edwards' campaign for the Democratic nomination for president. Rielle Hunter had a child, Quinn with John Edwards as a result of the affair.

Reille Hunter was the other woman, key to the breakup of the marriage between John and Elizabeth Edwards. Hunter insisted that you cannot steal a man because people are not property. Hunter stated, 'You can't steal someone else's husband. People are not property.' The 'if she cannot hold on to her husband that is not my responsibility' excuse is the mantra of mistresses everywhere.

When asked how Elizabeth Edwards had learned about the affair, Rielle Hunter said that she had purchased Edwards a cell phone, which was a replica of his official phone, to use exclusively to talk with her. Elizabeth Edwards used the phone and the number connected to Rielle Hunter, who answered 'Hey Baby.'

Hunter alleged, as she has in the past, that Elizabeth Edwards was abusive to her husband and the he was afraid of his wife. Elizabeth Edwards, 60, who has terminal cancer, has separated from her straying husband.

Oprah played portions of a statement John Edwards made on national television in 2008 denying that he had an affair with Rielle Hunter and denying that her baby was his. Hunter told Oprah that after he made that statement on television that he called her and told her that the statement didn't mean anything.

Rielle talked about the scheme that was hatched by Edward aide Andrew Young to claim that Hunter's baby was his, in order to protect Edwards political career. Rielle Hunter insisted that is was Young's idea and not hers, which contradicted statements Young and his wife have made in the past. Hunter said that she almost went along with the scheme because Edwards wanted her to.

Rielle Hunter admitted that everyone had been hurt in the aftermath of the affair, but would not admit to hurting Elizabeth Edwards, saying that she did not know if she hurt Elizabeth Edwards.In direct contradiction to that, Hunter said that she has become a better and more compassionate person. Hunter also said that she does not regret what happened because she has learned so much in the process.

Toward the end of the interview Oprah asked whether she was getting child support and financial support. She first admitted that she was getting child support and when Oprah insisted on clarification she also admitted that she was getting financial support from Edwards, whom she calls Johnny.

Hunter said that she still loves Edwards, still trusts him and that she believes that he still loves her. When asked if she wanted to marry Edwards, Hunter said that she was not sure that she ever wanted to marry again to anybody.

Rielle Hunter refused to answer Oprah's repeated question about the state of her current relationship with the father of her child, Quinn. At the end of the interview, Oprah tried again and Hunter smiled coyly and almost flirtatiously said 'That's private.'

No one sees and no one cares What gets broken Not for rhyme and not for reason

(Retitled & revised version of earlier post)

Obama shelves new offshore drilling

Mike Brewer, 40, who lost his oil spill response company in the devastation of Hurricane Katrina nearly five years ago, said the area was accustomed to the occasional minor spill. But he feared the scale of the escaping oil was beyond the capacity of existing resources.

"You're pumping out a massive amount of oil. There is no way to stop it," he said.

First post: Just when I didn't think I could get any more pissed at our bastard government.

About that oil spill (which, BTW, as of last night was so big you could see it from space)...

The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport has surgery, necropsy and exam rooms, walk-in freezers full of frozen fish for food, X-ray and ultrasound machines and plenty of medicine. The nonprofit facility also has eight large pools, which have been cleaned and prepared to handle sea turtles, manatees and dolphins.

Center director Dr. Moby Solangi said Friday the site will be "ground zero" for injured marine mammals.

Solangi said there are roughly up to 5,000 dolphins in the Gulf area between the Mississippi and Louisiana coasts and the oil rig, many giving birth right now.

"It's very bad timing," Solangi said. "We're going to have a lot of babies here. We're looking at a colossal tragedy."

Baby dolphins. Do you hear me? Baby dolphins!

(Not baby dolphins...)

God forbid...

Yahoo! News asks: What would have to happen for Arnold Schwarzenegger to be able to run for president of the US? (Rather a lot, really). But you know what?

If this were to happen, I am absolutely sure that every one of the "birthers" would be all for it. Every. Single. One.

Lego genius.

This is via the Total Film Facebook page.

cara tips mengetahui menghitung masa subur

Cara tips mengetahui menghitung masa suburMengetahui masa subur sangat penting bagi wanita yang tengah merencanakan kehamilan. Namun, banyak wanita bingung mencari tahu masa suburnya. Apalagi bagi wanita yang memiliki peride menstruasi yang tidak teratur.

Seperti dikutip dari laman Good To Know, ada panduan yang cukup mudah diikuti untuk mengetahui masa subur seorang wanita. Penentuan masa subur dilakukan berdasarkan siklus menstruasi setiap bulan.

Mayoritas wanita memiliki siklus menstruasi 28 hari. Namun, faktor lingkungan seringkali membuat siklus menstruasi bisa berubah dengan kisaran 22 sampai 36 hari. Siklus dihitung dari hari pertama menstruasi sampai hari terakhir sebelum menstruasi di bulan berikutnya.

Siklus mentruasi mempengaruhi masa subur. Semakin cepat siklus menstruasinya, semakin cepat pula ia mengalami ovulasi, yang mempengaruhi masa subur.

Simak tabel berikut:

Siklus menstruasi

Masa subur

Hari ke-8
Hari ke-7 sampai 9
Hari ke-9
Hari ke-8 sampai 10
Hari ke-10
Hari ke-9 sampai 11
Hari ke-11
Hari ke-10 sampai 12
Hari ke-12
Hari ke-11 sampai 13
Hari ke-13
Hari ke-12 sampai 14
Hari ke-14
Hari ke-13 sampai 15
Hari ke-15
Hari ke-14 sampai 16
Hari ke-16
Hari ke-15 sampai 17
Hari ke-17
Hari ke-16 sampai 18
Hari ke-18
Hari ke-17 sampai 19
Hari ke-19
Hari ke-18 sampai 20
Hari ke-20
Hari ke-19 sampai 21
Hari ke-21
Hari ke-20 sampai 22
Hari ke-22
Hari ke-21 sampai 23

Sebagai gambaran, mari kita simulasikan penghitungan masa subur:
Awal menstruasi bulan lalu: 1 Januari
Awal menstruasi bulan ini: 3 Februari
Siklus menstruasi: 33 hari
Ovulasi: 22 Februari (19 hari sejak awal menstruasi bulan ini)
Masa subur: 21-23 Februari (sehari sebelum hingga sehari setelah ovulasi)

Masa subur berlangsung sekitar tiga hari. Tapi, bukan berarti di luar masa itu, wanita tidak mungkin hamil. Masa subur adalah waktu terbaik untuk terjadinya pembuahan. Jadi, di luar masa subur tidak menutup kemungkinan wanita hamil. Apalagi dalam kondisi prima, sperma pria sanggup bertahan selama tujuh hari di rahim wanita.
cara mengetahui masa subur, cara menghitung masa subur, tips mengetahui masa subur, tips menghitung masa subur, mengetahui masa subur, masa subur, menghitung masa subur, menghitung kalender masa subur

• VIVAnews

pengaruh dampak efek samping pil kb

Pengaruh dampak efek samping pengunaan pil kbAlat kontrasepsi umumnya memiliki efek samping. Salah satunya, pil KB. Meski pengaruhnya berbeda pada tiap wanita, namun efek samping yang bisa terjadi antara lain, kenaikan berat badan, mual, atau bahkan pembekuan darah.

Tak hanya itu, pil KB ternyata juga bisa menyebabkan depresi dan mempengaruhi tingkat libido. Apa penyebabnya?

- Penurunan Libido
Banyak wanita melaporkan mengalami penurunan libido saat mengonsumsi pil KB. Gejalanya antara lain, tak ada hasrat bercinta, berkurangnya produksi pelumas di area intim, dan sulit mencapai kepuasan seksual.

Salah satu penyebabnya, hormon (estrogen atau progesteron) yang terkandung dalam pil dapat mengikat testosteron, hormon yang bertanggung jawab atas sebagian besar libido. Jika mengalami hal ini, Anda bisa mengganti alat kontrasepsi lain, seperti kondom, atau spiral, yang tidak mengandung hormon.

- Perubahan Mood dan Depresi
Beberapa wanita mengaku, mereka mengalami perubahan suasana hati dan depresi saat menggunakan pil KB, salah satu alat kontrol kehamilan mengandung hormon. Hormon progesteron dalam pil KB dapat menurunkan kadar seratonin di otak. Tingkat seratonin yang rendah bisa memicu munculnya depresi.

Jika pil KB mempengaruhi suasana hati atau libido, mungkin Anda bisa mengonsumsi pil dengan dosis rendah untuk mengurangi efek buruk tersebut. Beberapa wanita menemukan pilihan dosis rendah kontrasepsi hormonal, seperti IUD atau spiral, berhasil dengan baik tanpa mempengaruhi suasana hati atau dorongan seks. (umi)
Sumber viva


efek samping pil kb, efek samping alat  kontrasepsi, dampak pil kb, pengaruh pil kb, pengaruh efek samping pil kb, efek samping penggunaan pil kb

bahaya merokok pada kandungan janin

bahaya merokok pada kandungan janin
Merokok adalah kebiasaan yang dilarang keras, baik saat hamil maupun tidak hamil dan baik merokok secara pasif maupun aktif.
Bayi yang lahir prematur, bayi lahir dengan berat badan terlalu kecil, bayi yang meninggal sebelum mereka dapat lahir, ini semua adalah konsekuensi yang datang dengan setiap rokok yang Anda hisap pada saat Anda sedang hamil.

Studi menunjukkan bahwa asap rokok memiliki lebih dari 4.000 bahan kimia, termasuk nikotin, karbon monoksida, sianida, timah, dan sekurang-kurangnya 60 senyawa penyebab kanker. Dan ini masuk ke dalam darah yang tidak hanya beredar di seluruh tubuh, tetapi juga memasuki sirkulasi oksigen dan gizi bayi pada wanita hamil.

Cari tahu lebih banyak fakta dan informasi tentang bahaya merokok untuk kehamilan  dan dampaknya bagi janin anda.

FlyFreeForHealth bersama Pregnancy&me mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti seminar online kesehatan dengan topik, “Bahaya Rokok pada Kandungan Anda (There is Nothing Worse Than a Smoke Polluted Womb)”, pada Selasa 20 April 2010 pukul 12.00 WIB bersama Dr Khoo Chong Kiat,  seorang Konsultan Assosiate Kebidanan dan Kandungan di Departemen Kebidanan dan Kandungan KK Women's & Children's Hospital, Singapura.
Siapkan perangkat komputerAnda, koneksi internet dan speaker untuk mengikuti presentasi dari Dr. Khoo mengenai topik menarik ini. Anda pun dapat bebas memberikan pertanyaan yang akan langsung di jawab, gratis!
Daftar sekarang melalui SMS. Ketik PM29SG10 ke +65 98473224 untuk mendapatkan undangan menghadiri webinar ini yang akan dikirimkan ke email Anda. Klik link yang ada di undangan, ikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya, dan  Anda akan dengan mudah memasuki ruang webinar.
Sumber kompas.

bahaya merokok, stop merokok, bahaya merokok pada kandungan, bahaya rokok pada janin, bahaya rokok

Jenis jenis Makanan Pencegah Diabetes

Jenis jenis Makanan Pencegah DiabetesSaat ini lebih kurang 35 % penduduk di dunia terancam diabetes. Coba sembuhkan dengan mengkonsumsi makanan berikut ini secara rutin:
1. Apel
Hasil penelitian di Finlandia membuktikan bahwa orang yang rutin makan apel atau makanan lain yang mengandung quersetin menderita diabetes dan kematian akibat jantung 20 persen lebih sedikit dari yang tidak. Sumber quercetin lainnya adalah bawang, tomat, sayuran berdaun hijau, dan buah-buahan.

2. Kayu manis
Kayu manis yang biasa kita gunakan sebagai bumbu dapur ternyata memiliki khasiat yang dahsyat. Sebuah studi di Human Nutrition Research Center di Beltsville, Maryland, mengemukakan bahwa ½ sendok teh kayu manis setiap hari dalam masakan kita dapat membuat sel-sel lebih sensitif terhadap insulin. Sehingga, sel akan mengubah gula darah menjadi energi.
3. Buah jeruk
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penderita diabetes cenderung memiliki kadar vitamin C dalam tubuh yang lebih rendah.
4. Ikan
Menurut American Diabetes Association. Kandungan omega-3 asam lemak dalam ikan salmon, sarden, dan sejenisnya dapat membantu menurunkan kolesterol menyumbat arteri-LDL dan trigliserida sekaligus meningkatkan tingkat HDL (baik) kolesterol.
5. Makanan Kaya Serat
Sebuah penelitian di University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center menemukan bahwa orang yang meningkatkan asupan makanan serat sebanyak 24-50 g (contoh: 2 biji wortel) sehari dapat menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah. Dalam artikel tersebut penurunan kadar gula dalam darah tidak disebutkan secara rinci.
6. Kacang-kacangan
Semua jenis kacang-kacangan seperti kacang panjang, kacang tanah, dsb. Mengandung kadar lemak yang rendah kalori, serat yang tinggi, protein yang tinggi yang dapat membantu mengurangi risiko diabetes dan penyakit jantung. Serat akan memperlambat pelepasan glukosa ke aliran darah dan mencegah lonjakan gula darah yang dapat memperburuk diabetes dan membuat Anda merasa selalu lapar.
7. Teh hijau
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peradangan kronis yang disebabkan oleh makanan berlemak, kurang olahraga, kurang buah dan sayuran dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit hepatitis dan menghalangi kemampuan tubuh untuk menyerap gula darah. Solusinya yakni dengan minum teh hijau atau jus jeruk.
8. Bayam dan sayuran hijau lain.
Semua sayuran hijau mengandung lutein, suatu karotenoid yang baik untuk mata. Senyawa ini sangat penting karena diabetes dapat melemahkan kemampuan mata. Sayuran juga merupakan sumber besar dari serat, vitamin B, zat besi, kalsium, dan vitamin C.
9. Coklat.
Para peneliti di Universitas San Fransisco menemukan bahwa coklat hitam meningkatkan sensitivitas insulin. Peningkatan insulin sangat penting untuk mencegah atau mengobati diabetes tipe 2. Cokelat juga menghasilkan penurunan yang signifikan pada tekanan darah, mengurangi LDL (kolesterol jahat), dan memperbaiki fungsi pembuluh darah.
10. Steak.
Kandungan steak antara lain protein, besi, dan vitamin B. Senyawa-senyawa ini adalah senyawa yang merupakan bagian dari profil lemak daging sapi yang disebut asam linoleat konjugasi (CLA). CLA bekerja untuk memperbaiki metabolisme gula darah yang terganggu dan bersifat anti-kanker.
12. Cuka.
Hasil penelitian di Arizona State University membuktikan bahwa dua sendok cuka yang dikonsumsi dapat membantu menurunkan gula darah. Hasil penelitian tersebut membuktikan bahwa hanya dalam waktu satu jam, para penderita diabetes memiliki kadar gula darah 25 persen lebih rendah dibandingkan sebelumnya.
13. Minum 3 gelas air putih seketika setelah bangun tidur.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pada saat seketika setelah bangun tidur, 3 gelas air putih yang mengalir dalam darah akan menyapu bersih kandungan gula darah dalam tubuh dan membuangnya bersama air seni.
Majalah Mens Health edisi April, 2010.

jenis jenis makanan pencegah diabetes, makanan pencegah diabetes, pencegahan diabetes, diabetes, penyakit  diabetes, pencegahan penyakit diabetes, cara mencegah penyakit diabetes, mencegah penyakit diabetes, diabetes meletus

cara tips Membuat Isteri Orgasme

cara tips Membuat Isteri Orgasme
1. Organ seks terpenting bagi manusia adalah otak.Susahnya, otak perempuan sangat kompleks dan dipengaruhi kondisi emosional dan moodnya.

2. Komunikasi suami- isteri harus terbuka hingga kedua belah pihak tahu persis apa yang paling disukai dan diinginkan oleh pasangan masing-masing.
3. Saat yang paling sempurna adalah ketika kondisi tubuh tidak terlalu lelah.
4. Mood yang baik harus diciptakan . Romantisme harus dipupuk terus-menerus.
5. Pujilah isteri Anda dan belailah. Foreplay bagi perempuan jauh lebih bermakna ketimbang buat laki-laki.
6. Istirahatlah sejenak ketika Anda hampir orgasme, sedangkan isteri Anda belum. Jeda beberapa saat akan memulihkan kekuatan Anda. Atau alihkanlah pikiran dan perhatian Anda ke hal lain selain seks.
7. Alat bantu atau film bisa dimanfaatkan jika dipandang perlu.
8. Jangan terobsesi dengan terus-menerus bertanya apakah isteri Anda sudah mencapai orgasme atau belum. Jika ditanyakan saat berhubungan seks, ini akan mengganggu konsentrasi. Jika ini ditanyakan setelah hubungan usai, ini justru akan mendorong isteri Anda membuat pengakuan orgasme palsu. Intinya : jangan terlalu sering bertanya. Biarkan isteri Anda menceritakannya sendiri.
9. 4-6 hari menjelang menstruasi dan 4 hari setelah menstruasi selesai adalah masa puncak libido perempuan secara hormonal. Kemungkinan isteri Anda sedang “in the mood” akan sangat besar.
10. Last but not least : Stamina, stamina dan stamina !

tips membuat istri orgasme, tips membuat isteri orgasme, cara membuat isteri orgasme, cara membuat istri orgasme, istri orgasme, isteri orgasme

anang menyatakan cinta pada syahrini

Hubungan Anang Hermansyah dengan Syahrini terkesan bertambah lengket. Bahkan, kabarnya, mantan suami Krisdayanti ini telah empat kali menyatakan cintanya kepada Syahrini.Menangggapi kabar itu, Anang dan Syahrini tak membenarkan atau membantah. Syahrini hanya berujar, "Ah Mbak bisa saja deh," lalu  tertawa ketika ditanya tentang kebenaran kabar itu, seusai mengisi sebuah acara musik layar kaca di Jakarta, Jumat (30/4/2010).

Sementara itu, Anang, yang mendampingi Syahrini, malah berbicara mengenai harapan dan rencananya berkait dengan proyek duetnya bersama Syahrini. "Kami akan ada project duet untuk bulan Ramadhan, me-refresh lagu-lagu lama. Insya Allah, itu doa kami  an aku kepengin sekali terus duet sama Syahrini di bulan Ramadhan," tutur Anang.
Lanjut Anang, mereka akan pula menyanyikan lagu-lagu yang dulu pernah diduetkan oleh Anang dengan Krisdayanti. Namun, Anang enggan membocorkan kapan rencana itu akan diwujudkannya bersama Syahrini. "Lagu duet KD (Krisdayanti) memang ada rencana dibawakan dengan Syahrini. Tapi, masih rahasia," tutupnya. (ANI) 
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anang hermansyah, anang syahrini menikah, ananghermansyah dan syahrini, anang hermansyah menikah dengan syahrini, anak anak anang, anang, anang hermansyah menyatakan cinta pada syahrini

Clashed Happen Outside Bangkok

Clashed Happen Outside Bangkok
Thai security forces on Wednesday (04/28/2010), engaged the protesters clashed with the Red Shirt in a city of chaos outside Bangkok when they seek to prevent a massive demonstration centered in the middle of town. An officer reportedly died and at least 18 protesters were injured.

Was unclear whether the officers using rubber bullets or lead bullets in the incident that occurred along the highway linking Bangkok and sub-urban areas in the northern part of Thailand's capital city. Connecting road itself was blocked before security forces used barbed wire.

As is known, the group has rallied the Red Shirt weeks in the city of Bangkok to demand that their government Abhisit value is no longer legitimate to reverse. Action in the city also received support from suburban communities. They flocked to using motorcycles and cars pickup. Officials tried to prevent the expansion of this action and blocks them before reaching Bangkok.

Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, for example, riot troops repeatedly fired shots into the air to push back the protesters. However, a number of protesters desperate lunge and try to pull the barbed wire. The authorities also opened fire on the protesters.

Red shirt bangkok thailand, red shirt, the riots bangkok thailand, jerseys yellow bangkok thailand, the political situation in bangkok, the political situation in bangkok thailand

'T-Shirt Red' Attack Hospital Bangkok Thailand

'T-Shirt Red' Attack Hospital Bangkok Thailand
A large hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, were forced to evacuate their patients and to cancel all services except emergency surgery on Friday (04/30/2010). The move was made after protesters were anti-government, known as the mass of T-Red, which occupies the zone near the hospital was rushed to the hospital to go after the security forces who they suspect were placed.

A group of mass Shirt Red came into the Hospital of Chulalongkorn, Thursday night. They ignore the demand for hospital director who pleaded not to enter. They only withdrew after not finding the army or police at the hospital.

Prime Minister Abbhisit Vejjajiva, who wants dijungkalkan the demonstrators, through national television condemned the action of T-Rouge that has paralyzed downtown area of Bangkok. "No. I need to condemn (the attack to the hospital) because the citizens of Thailand and the world community has done that," he said. He added that the government will not allow movement that pose a threat to the public.

Despite warnings, the T-Shirt Red, who began his protest March 12 in a campaign to impose a general election soon, has challenged the ruling on every street corner, entered the parliament building, closing the streets in the capital city of Thailand. At least 27 people have been killed and nearly 1,000 others were injured in violence in the streets.

Security forces in almost every occasion are unable or unwilling to stop the action of T-Red, including attacks on the public hospital's. However, Weng Tojirakarn, leader Shirt Red who is a doctor, to apologize deeply for assault by about 100 protesters were. He called it inappropriate, excessive, and unreasonable.

The government has sent around 100 policemen to keep the pages that hospital. "They can protest all they want, but they do not have to come here, and they should not prevent us from receiving health care services," said purine Supadith angrily. He is one of many who rejected outpatient hospital on Friday morning.

Responding to the action of T-Red that last one, an activist pro-government asked the army into action against the protesters and for an end to anarchy in the capital city. Reappearance of the mass of T-Yellow, which is famous in the closure of the airport of Bangkok for a week in 2008, has added to the turmoil in the streets of Bangkok.

Chamlong Srimuang, a leader of high-Shirt Yellow, suggested that martial law was immediately applied, deliver a series of state functions to the military, and warned that civil war could occur if the protest T-shirt Red did not also be stopped.

T-Shirt Yellow represents a group of business and bureaucratic elite of Thailand, whose influence was resented by T-Red, which mostly come from rural and urban poor.

Red shirt bangkok thailand, red shirt, the riots bangkok thailand, jerseys yellow bangkok thailand, the political situation in bangkok, the political situation in bangkok thailand

1 mei hari buruh sedunia

1 mei hari buruh seduniaMenteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Mennakertrans) Muhaimin Iskandar meminta pengusaha memberikan keleluasaan kepada buruh memperingati Hari Buruh Internasional pada 1 Mei mendatang. Hari Buruh Internasional merupakan simbol perjuangan buruh membangun ekonomi dunia bersama pengusaha yang sudah diperingati oleh masyarakat luas.
Secara de facto setiap 1 Mei, buruh merayakannya di mana-mana.

"Secara de facto setiap 1 Mei, buruh merayakannya di mana-mana. Oleh karena itu, saya mengimbau kepada para pengusaha jauh-jauh hari agar pada saatnya nanti memberikan keleluasaan bagi buruh yang akan memperingatinya," ujar Mennakertrans lewat telepon di sela-sela rapat kerja Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II, Gubernur, dan Ketua DPRD provinsi se-Indonesia di Istana Tampak Siring, Gianyar, Bali, Senin (19/4/2010).

Muhaimin menambahkan, seruan ini dibuat agar para pengusaha bisa menyiapkan diri dan manajemen bisa mengatur pelaksanaannya sehingga tidak mengganggu proses produksi. Setiap tanggal 1 Mei, di seluruh dunia diperingati sebagai Hari Buruh.

Pada zaman Orde Baru di Indonesia, peringatan Hari Buruh 1 Mei dilarang karena dituding sebagai warisan komunis. Namun, sejak reformasi peringatan Hari Buruh 1 Mei berlangsung dimana-mana di Tanah Air walaupun pemerintah tidak pernah menetapkannya secara resmi.

"Peringatan Hari Buruh bukan warisan komunis, apalagi komunisme sudah tidak ada lagi. Jangan kita menjebak diri sendiri dalam dongeng lama. Kita perlu meningkatkan kemampuan pekerja kita, otomatis kita perlu memperkuat kedudukan mereka dan memberikan tempat yang sesuai. Saya percaya, gerakan buruh yang kuat akan membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kita harus bersama-sama menyambut 1 Mei nanti untuk menguatkan gerakan buruh," kata Muhaimin.

Terkait dengan keinginan buruh agar pemerintah menetapkan sebagai bagian dari peringatan hari nasional, Mennakertrans berjanji memprosesnya agar tahun depan sudah menjadi hari nasional secara resmi. "Masalahnya hal itu harus ditetapkan oleh Presiden melalui keppres, jadi memakan waktu yang cukup lama. Saya akan memprosesnya dan tahun depan kita sudah memperingatinya secara resmi," tegas Muhaimin.

Kongres Bersama Gerakan Buruh Nasional

Sebaliknya pemerintah juga mengimbau agar pelaksanaan peringatan itu oleh buruh dapat dilakukan dengan damai dan aman. "Pemerintah akan bekerja sama dan membantu semaksimal mungkin agar buruh dapat merayakannya dengan aman dan damai. Kita harus jadikan peringatan ini untuk memperkuat buruh," ujarnya.

Terkait dengan berbagai keprihatinan akan terjadinya ancaman PHK, pemerintah tidak menutup diri dan mengajak semua elemen termasuk pengusaha untuk bekerja sama semaksimal mungkin agar hal itu bisa dihindari.

"Kerja sama sangat penting. Walaupun dalam berbagai laporan dikatakan bahwa ekspor kita meningkat selama tahun 2010, kita tetap harus waspada. Kemitraan pengusaha-buruh harus diperkuat. Di sinilah pentingnya penguatan gerakan buruh. Saya akan memfasilitasi adanya kongres gerakan buruh secara nasional, waktunya masih dipikirkan secara tepat," kata Mennakertrans.

aksi unjuk rasa buruh, hari buruh, hari buruh sedunia, unjuk rasa buruh di surabaya, unjuk rasa hari buruh

unjuk rasa hari buruh si surabaya

Sedikitnya 2.600 personel dari jajaran Kepolisian Wilayah Kota Besar Surabaya (Polwiltabes) bersiaga untuk mengamankan ribuan aksi unjuk rasa buruh yang turun ke jalan berkenaan dengan Hari Buruh Internasional pada 1 Mei 2010. Untuk mengantisipasi kepadatan, polisi akan memberlakukan buka tutup dan pengaturan lalu lintas.
Rencananya, buruh yang berasal dari Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Mojokerto, dan Surabaya bergerak bersama-sama mendatangi beberapa tempat yang dinilai berkaitan erat dengan isu perburuhan dan ketenagakerjaan. Tempat-tempat yang akan didatangi, di antaranya, Kantor Gubernur Jawa Timur, Gedung DPRD Jatim, serta Markas Polwiltabes Surabaya.
Menanggapi rencana aksi ribuan buruh dari berbagai daerah di Surabaya, Polda Jawa Timur menyatakan tahun ini tidak akan menghalangi mereka masuk ke Surabaya. "Kami siap melakukan pengamanan," papar Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Jatim Komisaris Besar Pudji Astuti, Jumat (30/4/2010).
Sebelumnya Kepala Polwiltabes Surabaya Komisaris Besar Ike Edwin mempersilakan buruh untuk berunjuk rasa di Surabaya. Dengan catatan, dalam melakukan aksinya, buruh tidak bertindak anarkis serta tidak mengganggu masyarakat lain yang tidak bergabung dalam aksi buruh.
Secara terpisah, Ketua Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia Jatim Pujianto menilai unjuk rasa oleh buruh tetap diperlukan. Dengan menggelar unjuk rasa, buruh menunjukkan eksistensinya sekaligus mengawal kasus-kasus perburuhan dan ketenagakerjaan yang terjadi di perusahaan swasta maupun berstatus badan usaha milik negara

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Sexy Preity Zinta Bollywood actress

Victoria Beckham Tattoo

Victoria Beckham Tattoo
Now Victoria Beckham reveals HEVictoria Beckham Tattooer growing cluster of tattoos, a new script inked underneath her Roman numeral tattoo.
Victoria Beckham Tattoo
Look at me: Posh points the way to her new tattoo, seen on the inside of her wrist as she launched her denim line at Saks department store in Boston last night
A sleek-looking Victoria struck a series of poses at the meet and greet for fans, and took the opportunity to fully expose the new tattoo as she pointed at the logo for her DVB denim range.
Posh arrived in Boston on Tuesday with the rest of the Spice Girls to continue their world tour, amid reports that their big reunion tour has run out of steam.

Victoria Beckham Tattoo
Victoria Beckham Tattoo
Victoria Beckham Tattoo
Victoria Beckham Tattoo
Victoria Beckham Tattoo

My Weekend Crush

If you went to movies in the mid-90s, you probably left a theater more than once thinking Julia Ormond was the most beautiful woman in the world. She has the kind of face that statues envy. There is something so classically British about her, that combination of strength and refinement. Also, I’m a sucker for that dark-hair, pale-skin combo (blame Wonder Woman those damn hot pants). For a moment in the 90s it seemed Julia would be our next great big screen heroine. She starred alongside the biggest boys in the business: Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Richard Gere, Sean Connery. And then, like a puff of smoke, she was gone.

Of course she wasn’t really gone, she just stopped being the flavor of the month. But she never stopped being talented or gorgeous. In fact, over the years her beauty has deepened. And again, in true British fashion, she has let time ripen her instead of fought it needle and scalpel. Those lines are earned, they speak of past loves and lessons learned. Experience, my friends, is sexy. It means you know things, have seen things, are good at things. One of those things is flirting with Eve Best on “Nurse Jackie.” The scene from this week’s episode crackled with delicious sexual tension. See, she’s still got it. Happy weekend, all.

I never warmed to Joss Whedon's Dollhouse...

Creatively it just didn't set my tail a-wagging, plus I'm convinced (justifiably or not) that Fox renewed it at the expense of Terminator: Connor Chronicles. However, this ad, which I don't think I'd seen before, is both pretty cool and pretty hot.


One thing I cannot abide is a disorderly rampage


Thursday, April 29, 2010

efek dampak buruk ketagihan masturbasi

efek dampak buruk ketagihan masturbasiBukan rahasia lagi bila dorongan seks yang tidak tersalurkan bisa mengganggu kesehatan. Karena itu, masturbasi merupakan jalan keluar yang dianggap aman untuk meredakan gairah dan stres.
Sebenarnya kegiatan merangsang tubuh, khususnya organ intim, untuk memberi kepuasan seksual pada diri sendiri ini tidak berbahaya. Akan tetapi, kegiatan yang populer dengan sebutan seks swalayan ini juga punya efek samping yang buruk, mulai dari efek psikologis hingga menyebabkan ketagihan.
Salah satu dampak buruk masturbasi, menurut Dr Hernano Chavez, konsultan seks, adalah sulit mencapai klimaks saat berhubungan seks atau justru mempercepat ejakulasi atau ejakulasi dini.

"Dengan masturbasi, kita bisa mencapai orgasme sendiri. Lama-kelamaan otak akan terlatih untuk merespons sentuhan-sentuhan tangan sendiri dan mengurangi sensitivitas sentuhan yang berasal dari orang lain. Akibatnya, akan lebih sulit mencapai klimaks," kata Chavez, seperti dikutip situs

Secara biologis, ketagihan masturbasi bisa memengaruhi otak dan zat-zat kimia dalam tubuh sehingga berpengaruh pada diproduksinya seks hormon secara berlebihan. Meski dampaknya pada tiap orang berbeda, masturbasi kronik ini bisa menyebabkan rasa lelah, sakit di bagian pelvic, sakit punggung, sakit di bagian testis, hingga rambut rontok.

Karena terbiasa memuaskan diri sendiri tanpa melibatkan orang lain, dikhawatirkan seseorang akan lebih menyukai aktivitas seks sendiri dibandingkan dengan pasangan. Padahal, hubungan seks yang sehat seharusnya bisa memuaskan kedua belah pihak.

Pada orang yang belum menikah, masturbasi yang terlalu sering akan menyebabkan kompulsif masturbasi yang bisa mengganggu kehidupan sehari-hari. Ketidakseimbangan antara hasrat dan kebutuhan pribadi ini bisa menimbulkan rasa pusing dan ingin marah bila belum onani. Pada akhirnya ini akan mengganggu pekerjaan serta hubungan sosial dengan orang lain.

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seks oral bagi remaja abg

seks oral bagi remaja abgBicara soal seksualitas, batasan untuk kegiatan bercinta bagi para remaja ternyata hanya berupa penetrasi penis ke vagina. Lain dari itu tidak dianggap sebagai bentuk hubungan seks.

Hasil sebuah jajak pendapat terhadap 477 mahasiswa berusia 20-24 tahun di Amerika Serikat menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas setuju, kegiatan bersenggama merupakan sebuah hubungan intim. Walau begitu, hanya satu dari lima mahasiswa (20 persen) yang berpendapat bahwa seks oral juga merupakan sebuah bentuk hubungan seks.

Para pakar mengatakan, pandangan remaja mengenai seks oral ini adalah sebuah pergeseran pola pikir yang signifikan sejak 1991. Pada saat itu, survei menunjukkan bahwa hampir dua kali lipat atau sekitar 40 persen remaja menganggap kontak oral-genital sebagai bagian dari bentuk hubungan intim.

Para ahli pun tidak terlalu kaget dengan pergeseran pemikiran ini. Fenomena ini diperkirakan adalah bagian dari pengaruh kasus mantan Presiden AS, Bill Clinton, dengan kekasihnya Monica Lewinsky. Pada suatu kesempatan, Clinton memang pernah berkilah bahwa apa yang dilakukannya dengan Lewinsky bukanlah hubungan intim.

"Saya tidak pernah berhubungan seks dengan perempuan itu," kata Clinton dalam pembelaan dirinya setelah Lewinsky mengaku pernah melakukan seks oral dengan Clinton saat bekerja di Gedung Putih.

"Seperti Presiden Clinton, remaja dan orang dewasa muda sering membalikkan arti kata seks oral, tergantung pada citra apa yang mereka tampilkan, yakni berpengalaman atau kurang pengalaman," kata Jason D Hans, dalam laporan penelitiannya berjudul Sex Redefined: The Reclassification of Oral-Genital Contact.

Para ahli pun menilai, seks oral semakin menjadi tren dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena dianggap lebih aman dibanding perilaku seks lainnya. Padahal, kontak secara oral pada organ genital dapat menularkan penyakit menular seksual, seperti herpes, sifilis, gonorea, HPV, bahkan HIV.

Para ahli juga meminta para guru dan pendidik untuk meningkatkan upaya pemahaman tentang seks oral kepada remaja dan menjelaskan bagaimana perilaku seks ini menjadi pemicu menyebarnya penyakit menular seksual (PMS). Penelitian ini dimuat dalam jurnal Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health edisi Juni 2010.
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buah dada payudara dewi persik dipegang

buah dada payudara dewi persik dipegangDi balik sikap tidak acuhnya setiap bergoyang di panggung dekat dengan penonton, Dewi Perssik (24) mengaku tetap kurang nyaman. Sebab, seketat apapun pengamanan, tetap saja ada penonton yang jahil.

"Mungkin sudah banyak tahu bagaimana fans akhirnya berlaku tidak sopan, seperti main pegang, marah-marah, sampai nimpukin. Kalau marah, ya pasti aku marah banget, karena semua tidak mau diperlakukan seperti itu dan terancam keselamatannya. Tapi, harus disikapi dengan bijak. Namanya juga artis, hidup dari fans. Jadi ada yang gemes, ada yang suka, dan ada yang benci," kata Dewi saat ditemui di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan di Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (29/4/2010).

Dewi tidak menampik sampai saat ini kurang percaya diri dan tidak nyaman jika berdekatan dengan penonton saat manggung masih ada. "Kemarin pas ada undangan acara menyanyi di Manado, ada saja yang iseng. Aku coba cairkan suasana dengan mengajak penonton supaya konsentrasi joget saja sambil ajak mereka komunikasi. Bagaimanapun fans itu macam-macam dan sebagai artis aku hidup dari mereka," kata pemilik nama lengkap Dewi Murya Agung ini.

Dewi mengaku susah-susah gampang. Sesekali, katanya, dia marah ketika ada yang mencoba menyentuh bagian dadanya. Meski akhirnya menyesal.
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sammy krispatih disidang

Pada persidangan kedua dengan terdakwa Hendra Samuel Simorangkir alias Sammy (27), kuasa hukum mantan vokalis Kerispatih itu urung mengajukan keberatan atas dakwaan Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU), dalam sidang di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (29/4/2010).
Padahal pada persidangan sebelumnya, kuasa hukum berniat mengajukan keberatan. " Kami tidak jadi mengajukan keberatan (eksepsi) atas dakwaan jaksa," kata Ida, kuasa hukum Sammy.

Sebelumnya, Sammy didakwa memiliki dan menggunakan narkoba jenis sabu. Barang bukti berupa satu plastik kecil kristal putih seberat 0,3366 gram diajukan ke persidangan sebagai bagian dari dakwaan atas Sammy.

Jaksa mendakwa Sammy melanggar pasal 112 Undang-undang (UU) Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 dan pasal 127 ayat 1 UU Nomor 35/2009. Atas dakwaan pertama, Sammy terancam hukuman penjara maksimal 15 tahun dan maksimal 4 tahun untuk dakwaan kedua.Hakim Ketua Syarifuddin lantas menunda sidang selama sepekan. Agenda sidang berikutnya diisi dengan keterangan saksi-saksi.
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dede yusuf diwisuda

Wisuda ke-51 Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta akhir pekan lalu tergolong istimewa. Di antara 436 wisudawan, ada Wakil Gubernur Jawa Barat Dede Yusuf.
Kader Partai Amanat Nasional kelahiran Jakarta, 14 September 1966, ini adalah mahasiswa Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ), angkatan 2005. Ia menyelesaikan pendidikan strata satunya dengan skripsi berjudul ”Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Berbasis Budaya”, dengan indeks prestasi komulatif 3,23.

”Saya bangga bisa menjadi bagian dari universitas yang merupakan salah satu organisasi Islam terbesar di Indonesia,” ujar artis yang terjun menjadi politisi itu. Dia merasa berbahagia karena bisa menyelesaikan pendidikan yang terhenti sejak tahun 1988.

Dede datang dengan istrinya, Sendy Ramania Yusuf (35), dan beberapa anggota staf Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat. ”Sebagai Wakil Gubernur Jawa Barat, saya sedang memaksimalkan peningkatan sumber daya manusia di Jabar. Untuk itu, saya sangat peduli pada peningkatan dunia pendidikan,” katanya.

Rektor UMJ Hj Masyitoh mengharapkan Dede dapat terus meningkatkan pendidikannya ke jenjang S-2 agar dapat lebih menguasai bidang yang digelutinya. ”Dengan dimensi altruistik, Anda dituntut berkarya demi dan untuk sesama manusia,” kata Masyitoh.
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Boediono diperiksa kpk

Mantan Menko Perekonomian Rizal Ramli melayangkan kritik atas pemeriksaan KPK terhadap mantan Gubernur BI yang kini menjabat wakil presiden, Boediono.

Kemarin, Boediono diperiksa KPK di Wisma Negara. Menurut Rizal, apa yang dipertontonkan melebihi yang terjadi pada era Orde Baru. "Soeharto saja datang ke Kejaksaan Agung," kata Rizal di Gedung DPD, Jakarta, Jumat (30/4/2010).

Rizal, yang pernah mencalonkan diri sebagai presiden pada Pemilu 2009, menilai, banyak pejabat yang berlindung di balik kekuasaan. "Saya tidak tahu sengaja atau tidak sengaja. Tetapi, semakin kelihatan bahwa Pak Boed semakin bersembunyi di belakang SBY. Sebetulnya Boediono patut bersyukur lolos dari kasus BLBI saja," ujarnya.
Menurut dia, di negara lain pejabat lebih memiliki rasa malu. Ia mencontohkan, seorang menteri di Korea langsung mengundurkan diri ketika menyadari ada kebijakan yang salah. "Di Jepang sampai bunuh diri, demikian juga di Eropa. Ciri negara yang maju dan demokratis para pejabat itu memiliki rasa malu dan penyesalan; di Indonesia justru sebaliknya. Disini tidak memiliki rasa malu dan semakin bebal," kata Rizal.

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The people believed Hamid Karzai's

The people believed Hamid Karzai's
Hamid Karzai's administration was not following trusted by the people of Afghanistan. Moreover, those who live in the countryside.

Surveying the brand from the Pentagon, as obtained from media outlets such as AP, AFP, and Reuters on Thursday (29/04/2010) also concluded, support for the government remains weak. It's because of increasing violence in Afghanistan continues ten years later.

Survey every two years by the Ministry of Defense was for security and stability in Afghanistan says all, there is progress in some areas, but the Taliban remains strong and increasingly effective. This report came out ahead of the planned meeting between President Hamid Karzai and President Obama in Washington next month.

At least, there are 121 districts throughout Afghanistan which are well known military commanders Abang Sam (U.S.). Now, the task of the commanders are winning the battle in places it against the Taliban. Only, the results of earlier research showed less than 25 percent of the total population living in the 121 region sympathetic to the government.

Even worse than that, the majority of them chose to be a neutral or supporting the Taliban. This report also presents a portrait that the activities of the resistance with pressure, but managed to enlarge our capabilities and broaden its reach.

Taliban, according to the report, has a supply of money, weapons, ammunition, and new people who remain. Predictably, the Taliban will move to the area north and west half of this year.

Although the Pentagon assessing military operations successfully, the report says that progress in the field of governance and development is very slow. The Ministry of Defence United assessing corruption, scarcity of basic services, and arbitrary behavior of officials as the things that helped the success of the insurgency attacks.

Some might hope that this report will provide greater opportunities to President Obama to press President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, when they meet next month.

However, the reality is that both these leaders are equally concerned about the future of Afghanistan and also should jointly bear the mistakes that had occurred. More importantly, they must decide how to change this situation because none of them should fail.
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Hamid Karzai, Afghan elections fail, elections in Afghanistan, Afghanistan, a survey of leaders of Afghanistan, the Afghan government

Mysterious explosion of Space Objects

Mysterious explosion of Space Objects
The result of the crime scene were taken teams from the Central Forensic Laboratory of the National Police Headquarter indicating a possible source of the explosion which occurred at a house in Jalan Delima Gang VI 2, Family Malaka Sari, Kecamatan Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, came from outer space objects or space object.
"While there concluded that menghatam objects from the outside into the house," said East Jakarta District Police Chief Kombes Hasanudin on site, Friday (04/30/2010).

According to Hasanuddin, certainly not from the blast tube of a gas or explosives. On location, two gas cylinders were still intact and is not found gunpowder or other suspicious objects.

Ballistics Department Heads Police Headquarters Kombes Metalorgi PUSLABFOR Amri Kamil said it took the dust from the suspected location of space debris objects at home Sudarmojo. Dust was going through a laboratory test. "Tomorrow's results will be known, what it was," he said.

When asked if ever there was a similar incident before, Amri said, "There has never happened like this," he replied.
Source. Compass
space object, a mysterious explosion, UFOs, UFO explosion, a space object, the object space, objects UFOs, strange objects in space, strange objects, strange explosion, falling bendah

Ledakan Misterius dari Benda Antariksa

Hasil olah tempat kejadian perkara yang dilakukan tim dari Pusat Laboratorium Forensik Mabes Polri menunjukkan kemungkinan sumber ledakan yang terjadi di rumah di Jalan Delima VI Gang 2, Keluarga Malaka Sari, Kecamatan Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, berasal dari benda luar angkasa atau benda antariksa.
"Sementara disimpulkan ada benda dari luar yang menghatam ke dalam rumah," ucap Kepala Polres Jakarta Timur Kombes Hasanudin di lokasi, Jumat (30/4/2010).

Menurut Hasanudin, ledakan dipastikan bukan berasal dari tabung gas atau dari bahan peledak. Di lokasi, dua tabung gas masih utuh dan tidak ditemukan serbuk mesiu atau benda-benda mencurigakan lainnya.

Kepala Departemen Balistik Metalorgi Puslabfor Mabes Polri Kombes Amri Kamil mengatakan, pihaknya mengambil debu-debu dari lokasi yang diduga serpihan benda dari luar angkasa di rumah Sudarmojo. Debu itu akan melalui uji laboratorium. "Besok hasilnya akan diketahui, benda apa itu," kata dia.

Ketika ditanya apakah pernah ada peristiwa serupa sebelumnya, Amri mengatakan, "Belum pernah terjadi seperti ini," jawabnya.
Sumber . Kompas
benda antariksa, ledakan misterius, ufo, ledakan ufo, benda antariksa, benda angkasa, benda ufo, benda aneh antariksa, benda aneh, ledakan aneh, bendah jatuh

If only.

White House advisers acknowledged on Thursday that a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could force the president to reconsider plans to open coastal areas to offshore drilling. But they suggested that no revision in policy would be announced in the immediate future.

In a briefing with the press, key members of the Obama energy, homeland security and press team stressed that their focus remains, at this point in time, on blunting the impact of the BP oil spill -- which was designated with the label: of "national significance."

bloody clashes in bangkok thailand

Bloody clashes in Bangkok Thailand
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono hoped a political solution to the achievement of a good, peaceful, and democratic in accordance with the law in Thailand after bloody clashes in Bangkok a few days ago until Thursday, (04.29.2010) this.
According to Presidential Spokesman Dino Patti Djalal, President Yudhoyono delivered it when he received the honor of visiting Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Thursday.

"The President, after hearing the explanation Foreign Minister of Thailand, hoping to reach a political solution is good, peaceful, democratic, and in accordance with the rule of law," said Dino. Yudhoyono also hoped that communication can be maintained between the two governments on the future. According to Dino, President Yudhoyono suggested, Indonesia to respect the sovereignty of Thailand.

Kasit to Jakarta in order to tour Southeast Asia. He said the conflict in Thailand today is no longer between the two political parties, but has lead to greater conflict. "Between groups loyal to the system of constitutional monarchy, the royal system is now being accepted, with groups that have different agendas who want to change the state system," said Dino quoting Kasit explanation.

From the observation of Foreign Kasit, Dino continued, the conflict will continue and tend to harden. After bloody clashes between groups supporting the Red Shirt who was ousted prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, and security forces early this April, in Bangkok appeared a series of other clashes, including the explosion of hand grenades or bombs.

A number of countries have called on both sides to refrain from other clashes that cause more casualties. Political tensions in Thailand began with a bloodless military coup to topple Thaksin Shinawatra in 2006.

Opponents of Mr Thaksin also held a large-scale action to block the two main airports in Bangkok.

Julia Robert's fight aids

Julia Robert's fight aids
Actress Julia Roberts was back working with the Italian designer, Giorgio Armani, who designed the T-shirts will be sold under the label Red to raise funds in the effort against the deadly disease, AIDS.
Roberts designed the symbol tree of life with the words "revolution.evolution.devotion" which arched over the leaves. The words are an acronym for Red, a product made to raise funds globally to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Since first launched in 2006 until now, sales of products under the label Red managed to raise funds of more than 110 million U.S. dollars.

Julia Roberts T-shirt design results will be on sale from September both online and in all Emperio Armani boutiques worldwide. T-shirt buyers will get a "bonus" special, which is the signature Oscar-winning actress Erin Brockovich movie through this.

This is Roberts' second collaboration with Armani for the Red label. Previously, Roberts was also using the design tree of life for leather bracelets. Other fashion items for sale Armani Red labels including clothing, accessories, eyewear, watches, perfume, and jewelry. Amounting to 40 percent of profits from the sale will be donated.

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Julia Roberts Beautiful universe

Julia Roberts Beautiful universe
Julia Roberts again placed on top of the list of the most beautiful woman in the world version of People magazine. The coronation was the twelfth time for the movie Pretty Woman star appears in the annual special edition magazine.
Roberts (42), mother of two five-year-old twins and a toddler aged two years, joining with Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Lopez in the list of the most beautiful woman in 2010.

Directed by Garry Marshall, who directed Roberts when it plays good-hearted prostitute 20 years ago in the movie Pretty Woman, says that she still as pretty as she.

"He is much more mature, calm, and not too tense. He really is the mother who is very protective," said Marshall told People.

Roberts, who won an Oscar in 2001 in a charming acting in the film Erin Brockovich, will be present again in August next big screen in the film Eat, Pray, Love best-selling novel the same title written by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Meanwhile, Ashley Greene (23) who plays a blood-sucking creatures in a horrendous movie Twilight was one of several newcomers on the annual list of people who read widely and become the size of the world's celebrity status.

Greene with Canadian youth choir director, Justin Bieber, and American Idol runner-up in 2009, Adam Lambert, a three most handsome man in the world, while the trio of celebrity-actress named Jessica front of Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson and singer-entry section special "Jessica-Jessica is Beautiful".

When Julia Roberts appeared on the cover of this special edition of People magazine, the other celebrities fail to enter ratings or tertampan prettiest, but it went pretty or handsome category. They include Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Bradley Cooper, Johnny Depp, and Patrick Dempsey.

Last year, confer the title of People magazine's most beautiful woman in the world to actress Christina Applegate, who recently announced publicly that he was battling breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy surgery (breast removal).

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penyakit bocor ginjal

Penyakit "bocor ginjal" yang diderita oleh Ali Rahmat (5) mengundang simpati banyak pihak. Ali yang kini sudah mendapat penanganan dokter di RSCM Jakarta diberitakan terus menangis kesakitan karena penyakit yang dideritanya. Sebenarnya, penyakit apakah "bocor ginjal" itu?
Istilah "bocor ginjal" sebenarnya tidak dikenal dalam dunia kedokteran. Mengacu pada kelainan fisik Ali berupa perut yang membesar, kondisi ini menurut Dr dr Parlindungan Siregar, SpPD, KGH, disebut dengan sindrom nefrotik. "Istilah bocor ginjal itu tidak ada, mungkin itu diberikan oleh dokter yang mendiagnosisnya untuk memudahkan pemahaman saja," paparnya ketika dihubungi

Sindrom nefrotik bukanlah suatu penyakit. Sindrom ini merupakan suatu kumpulan tanda dan gejala yang sering menyertai berbagai penyakit yang memengaruhi fungsi penyaringan glomerulus ginjal.

Menurut dr Parlin, ada dua penyebab sindrom nefrotik, yakni penyebab primer berupa faktor imunologi dan penyebab sekunder yakni yang terjadi karena diabetes, malaria, atau obat-obatan. "Tanda yang khas dari penyakit ini adalah protein banyak keluar lewat urine sehingga protein dalam darah berkurang. Akibatnya, perut menjadi bengkak, seperti busung lapar," papar ahli ginjal dari Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM ini.

Sindrom nefrotik bisa mengenai orang dewasa atau anak-anak. Pada anak-anak, gejala ini biasanya terjadi pada usia 3-4 tahun. Sebagian besar anak-anak ini menderita bentuk sindrom nefrotik yang disebut minimal change disease, penyakit dengan perubahan minimal.

Untuk mendiagnosis penyakit ini perlu pemeriksaan darah dan urine. Jika ternyata kadar protein dalam urine tinggi, maka dokter akan menyarankan biopsi (pengambilan sampel kecil jaringan ginjal) untuk memastikan adanya penyebab khusus dan membuat rencana perawatan yang tepat. Namun, biopsi ginjal jarang diperlukan untuk anak-anak.
Sumber kompas.
penyakit bocor ginjal, penyakit ginjal, gejala penyakit ginjal, sakit ginjal, jenis penyakit ginjal, gagal ginjal, ginjal kronis, pengobatan penyakit ginjal

Gender Fuck Thursday: Just One of the Guys

I’ve decided that my undying love for a woman in a tuxedo can be traced back to one distinct moment in time: The first time I saw the boob flash scene from “Just One of the Guys.” Don’t pretend you do not know what I am talking about, fellow pervs. That one simple scene rocked my preteen I-had-no-idea-I-was-gay-yet world to its core. To. Its. Core.

[NSFW, naturally]

But I think I’m really getting ahead of myself here. In the past week Jezebel has lovingly paid homage to and interviewed the female director of “Just One of the Guys,” the 80s teen girl-in-drag comedy. Slyly subversive yet steadfastly silly, the story followed a pretty student reporter who thinks she is being passed over for boys, so then dresses like one to prove her point. I loved this movie. Part of it was that it was played on a seemingly unending loop on HBO. As a pre-internet kid, I found out about the birds and bees, in large part, from our family’s pirated HBO signal. Let me tell you, learning about The Gay from premium cable can make for many, many confused years.

But that’s why a movie like “Just One of the Guys” meant so much to me, even though my full realization would come years later. It fucked with gender while acknowledging gender inequality and engendered my continual confusion of Ralph Macchio with a dapper butch girl.

As an aspiring writer (yes, even back then), I sympathized intrinsically with Terry’s predicament. The injustice! The sexism! As an aspiring gay (but, again, it took me forever to figure it out), I was unmistakably drawn to Joyce Hyser more in drag. Not because she looked like a boy, but because she looked like a really cute girl in boys’ clothing.

Which brings me back to the boob flash. Holy shit, the boob flash. Teen movies have never been shy about their lusty intentions and love of the jiggle. So a little skin is almost always to be expected. But the unexpectedly feminist narrative behind “Just One of the Boys” makes the scene so very powerful and so entirely unforgettable. In fact, at this moment, when declaring her femininity and love all at once, it almost seems a radical act. Also, damn, those are some really nice breasts. [Again, NSFW – but you know you cant resist.]

p.s. Don’t even get me started about the Sherilyn Fenn and the sock scene down the pants scene. We could be here for days.

p.p.s. Joyce Hyser, call me. And bring the tux.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

busy day !!

Hihi, everybody !!
Lately i 'll very busy working in my office
cuz my company was starting a Aniversary Issue for Property Buyer Magaziue
making me busy meeting client.
Only today have a free time to updated my blog !!!!

Im Fine here...
This week a lot of activities going on in my life..
My band will be back for performing
8th mei wil maybe have a gigs' not confirm play or not
however 24th Julai will be confirm date

somemore yesterday met jeremy and mindy
at KLCC helping yin buying a present to his GIRLFRIEND
we having dinner together at the food court.
have a fun with hang out with them.

Tomolo planning with my collegues to HOME DECO
it was startred by today. Gobi not confirm yet going or not...
also tomolo having a meeting with d'chimie
at time square.

Saturday will be going to watch TOKIO HOTEL live in malaysian
at 1utama..
see u there, eris choo.

I never in my life thought that I would...

...ever, ever feel sorry for anyone from the KKK-connected, anti-gay, conservative Family Research council.But the guy interviewed by Jon Stewart tonight was such an idiot I did feel bad for him, if only for a moment.

It was just so obvious that Jon could've, were he not such a gracious host, beaten this guy up and taken his lunch money, intellectually...

SEXYDANCE AWARD 2010, B-Boy Battle 2010, Friday's Lollipop @ MIST CLUB

SEXYDANCE AWARD 2010 by Mois, first ever online & on stage performing contest for Northern Region.

Dance performance will be judge on stage, online by YOU! TOTAL Prizes of RM 20,000 to be won.

Event will be held LIVE every WEDNESDAY Night at MOIS Dance Club & DREAM Dance Club.

wed 10th March 2010
wed, 17th March 2010
Wed, 24th March 2010
wed, 31st March 2010
wed, 7th April 2010
wed, 14th April 2010
Wed, 21st April 2010
Wed, 28th April 2010

wed, 5th May 2010

Wed, 12th May 2010 (located at MOIS DANCE CLUB)


RM800 CASH for Winner on every heat
each contestant with get away with a bottle of Bacardi Limon for FREE


RM3000 + RM500 Cash Voucher + Hamper + music video appearance

1st prize
RM1500 + RM500 Cash Voucher + Hamper

2nd prize
RM 800 + RM500 Cash Voucher + Hamper

5x consolation prize
RM300 BFG Cash Voucher

RM500 Cash + RM500 Cash Voucher
(terms & conditions apply)

第一名勝出者可得到 - 現金獎二千五百元 + TRIBAL GEAR sponsor 8000 product

第二名勝出者可得到 - 現金獎一千五百元 + TRIBAL GEAR sponsor 4000 product

第三名勝出者可得到 - 現金獎一千元 + TRIBAL GEAR sponsor 2000 product

1 - 相片兩張
2 - 姓名
3 - 電話號碼
4 - E-mail





尖沙咀號金馬倫道48號3 樓, (一壽司樓上)

judge: tour of the famous dancing crew of H.K
-S R (street rocker)
-R A (rhythm . attack)



Get a dose of the finest Hip Hop night to ever grace KL with our NEW startling Lollipop resident DJs, Funkzu & Monkey and MC Terry T on the mic giving the latest Hip-Hop & RnB tracks. This is DA place for a breathtaking night out for all you pimps and shawtys in the hood!

1. Mist Club's Friday (Lollipop) is voted as 2009's Best Hip Hop Night by JUICE magazine!
2. Ladies come in groups of 3 on Fridays & we’ll treat you all with a jug of Vodka Cranberry!
3. Ladies get free LOLLIPOP!

❥ Club-4-More ❥
1. Ladies come in groups of 3 on Fridays & we’ll treat you all with a jug of Vodka Cranberry!
2. EXTENDED Rush Hour from 9pm-12am EVERYDAY! 1-For-1 on beer & house-pour! (in jugs & glasses)
3. NEW & ATTRACTIVE Bottle Pricing for J.W. Black Label & Smirnoff Red:
- 1 bottle @ RM299nett before 11pm, RM320nett after 11pm (4 pax entry)
- 2 bottles @ RM568nett before 11pm, RM598nett after 11pm (8 pax entry)
4. Jug-Or-Not now happens EVERYDAY! RM80 1-For-1 from 9pm-1am & RM100 1-For-1 after 1am!
5. We give you the CHEAPEST bottle in town EVERYDAY (Smirnoff Red Vodka) at RM238 nett! *Only limited bottles, so come early to benefit from this crazee deal!

☛ADMISSION (Doors open at 9pm)
FREE entry for LADIES before 12am

•TICKET ENTRY (inc 1 drink)
RM30 Ladies / RM40 Men

☈ J.W. Black Label / Smirnoff Red Bottle Entry:
1 btl @ RM299 / 4pax (Before 11pm)
1 btl @ RM320 / 4pax (After11pm)
2 btls @ RM568 / 8 pax (Before 11pm)
2 btls @ RM598 / 8 pax (After 11pm)

No shorts / slippers / sandals
No torn faded jeans
No caps/ beanies
No rounded neck t-shirts / sunglasses

* The management reserves the right to refuse entry

Please SMS or just write it on this WALL =)

012 - 693 2986 ( Botakz )
012 - 472 8834 ( Heryl Teh )
016 - 205 2797 ( Stallone )

Meet Uncle Hussain (Malaysia0

Meet Uncle Hussain or is also spelled as meetUncleHussain is a progressive rock band from Malaysia. The band's major achievements include winning the prestigious Anugerah Juara Lagu in 2008.


♥ everyday korean ♥

More That Words

hihi long time never write about my girls in my life. today i would like to introduce a maxis gal knowing her at facebook. She is very cute to me...very nice gal to talk with..she is quite friendly :)

This is the song lyric for her more than words hope she wil like it !!

Saying I love youIs not the words I want to hear from youIt's not that I want youNot to say, but if you only knewHow easy it would be to show me how you feelMore than words is all you have to do to make it realThen you wouldn't have to say that you love meCos I'd already knowWhat would you do if my heart was torn in twoMore than words to show you feelThat your love for me is realWhat would you say if I took those words awayThen you couldn't make things newJust by saying I love youMore than wordsNow I've tried to talk to you and make you understandAll you have to do is close your eyesAnd just reach out your hands and touch meHold me close don't ever let me goMore than words is all I ever needed you to showThen you wouldn't have to say that you love meCos I'd already knowWhat would you do if my heart was torn in twoMore than words to show you feelThat your love for me is realWhat would you say if I took those words awayThen you couldn't make things newJust by saying I love youMore than words

The All American Rejects (US)

The All-American Rejects are an American four-piece rock band from Stillwater, Oklahoma, formed in 1999. The band consists of lead vocalist and bass guitarist Tyson Ritter, lead guitarist Nick Wheeler, rhythm guitarist Mike Kennerty, and drummer Chris Gaylor.

For 2010, the All-American Rejects performed a set at the Winter Olympics at the Whistler Medals Plaza. They also had Direct TV performances at Super Bowl XLIV and a special set aired in February. Also, the band wrote and recorded a song titled "The Poison" for the Almost Alice compilation, a collection of songs representing the 2010 Tim Burton film Alice in Wonderland.

Tyson Ritter
Nick Wheeler
Mike Kennerty
Chris Gaylor

Are you ready for Tokio Hotel?

If you don’t know that European band Tokio Hotel will be here next month, where have you been?? Not to worry...this is a reminder that you should get your passes now (if you have not already done so). Bill, Tom, George and Gustav will be sure to engage you and have you experience a screaming good show. Don’t miss out. Details inside.

New Fashion illustration

Jing Zhang hails from China but she has just (or is going to) wrap up her studies in fashion design in the UK. Her site presents an interesting insight into fashion illustration, as it has examples of her illustrations as well as her hands-on fashion projects.

fashion illustration
fashion illustration
fashion illustration
fashion illustration
fashion illustration