Thursday, March 3, 2011

We now resume our regularly scheduled program...

Hello, friends! I guess you noticed that I decided to take a little blog-cation ;-) I needed a break for a bit so that I could regroup, and the time away did me some good! I'm now back with lots to catch up on! I'll start with a mini I made last month (with AMM's Jan kit). I know you all have heard me talk about next-door Lisa. Well, next-door Lisa is now very-far-away-Lisa :-( as our neighbors and good friends moved many states away. I decided to make lisa a little mini to capture some of our many good memories we had made over the last few years...

Soooo, i'm very excited to tell you guys that the new AMM message board is finally up! you can find us here. I've so missed having a message board!

Anyway, I promise to be back very soon (at least much sooner!) as I have more new projects to share and, of course, new pics of my babes :-) Hope all is well, thanks for sticking with me while I took some time off - I missed you guys!

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