Friday, December 18, 2009

Final, clinching proof that Canada has better air and water than we do

Per Think Progress, an Ontario hospital, for reasons I can only assume had something to do with the much-vaunted Canadian sense of humor, had been going to pay $200,000 to Sarah Palin for a fundraising speech.

"Had been" being the operative words. See, when word got out that a hospital evidently in need of funds would be paying (again, $200, 000! In Canadian money!) a mud-slinging, conservative know-nothing...the good residents of Hamilton rose up as one and said, in so many words,

"My ass you will!"

Meanwhile, here in the US, too many newspapers and television continue to take her seriously, and some people seem serious when they opine that she should run for the highest office in the land.

Oh, Canada.

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