In case you’re bad with names, the blonde cheerleader is Brittany (played by Heather Morris) and the brunette is Santana (played by Naya Rivera). And, apparently, they’re having sex. Jaw, floor, hallelujah.
Of course, this is just the briefest of admissions and who knows if we’ll ever see any follow through. But what I love best are Santana and then Brittany’s reactions. Because those looks say it’s true.
Am I making too much of a simple 4-second interaction? You bet I am! This show – while it doesn’t always deliver on all of its promise each week – is still my favorite new addition this. It’s fun, it’s mean, it’s got a beat and you can dance to it. And it’s by far the gayest new show in primetime. Still, while we ladies have the always magnificent Ms. Lynch to moon over, we don’t have a lesbian or bisexual characters of our own. (Sure, I had hopes for Tina when she auditioned with “I Kissed a Girl,” but her affections seem to be of the Artie variety.) But now, jackpot.
And it’s courtesy one of my favorites. Brittany has become one of the funniest characters even though she has one of the smallest parts. “I find recipes confusing.” “You guys, it's like cool epilepsy.” “Your right hand, Brittany.
Hasn’t Santana’s gentle “It’s this one” to Brittany taken on new and fantastic meaning? Say hello to Brittana. Rule, Brittana! Brittana rules the airwaves! From here on out the square root of four will always be rainbows.
Oh, kittens. You know it’s strange, given how much more lesbian and bisexual content there is out in the media these days then just a few years ago, but it still gives me a little (OK, big) thrill when out of the blue we’re included. Also, cute cheerleaders shagging? Hell yeah.
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