Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Round 7: Cameron Diaz v Mila Kunis

While not a member of the 40+ crowd, Cameron Diaz's age is starting to affect one of the many sex symbols of the 90's.  That being said, Diaz is still attractive and has always been willing to put her looks in the passenger's seat when looking for good movies. In Being John Malkovich, Diaz, who has then in her prime sexiness, became one of the ugliest characters of film history.  For an attractive actress, that takes a lot of balls.  But balls don't win you hottest actress competitions.  Looks do, and unfortunately as your age goes up looks tend to go down.  Age has been the best indicator for who win.  Only actresses in their twenties (Alba is still 29 for four more months) have won matches.

This could be bad news for Diaz as she is facing the young Mila Kunis, who has been acting for almost just as long as Diaz but is more than ten years younger! With her role in Black Swan, Kunis has possibly matured into an A-list actress having been nominated for countless awards for her portrayal of Lily. While she wasn't nominated for an Oscar, she did have a sex scene with Natalie Portman.  Featuring the sharp facial features of the motherland and succulent breasts Kunis blows people away even when she isn't paired with the equally attractive Portman.

The judges must think so too, for Mila Kunis is currently favored over Diaz 2:1.  It looks like Diaz might need a cantankerous ogre to save her from Kunis victory.  On the other hand, this could just be Kunis messing with Diaz's mind, I hear she's gotten good at that.  Either way, Vote Below!

Results from Round 5

So far, these preliminary matches haven't been close, and this one is no exception. Laura Vandervoort earned 70% (7/10) of the vote over Portia de Rossi.  Scoring an impressive 8.2 hotness rating, Vandervoort now ranks second underneath Alba by only .4 points.  Until now it looked like Alba was going to win without the whole bracket trouble.  Now she has some real competition.

de Rossi scored a 6.7.  One judge, who gave de Rossi a 5, wrote that "the lesbianism is a bit of a turn makes her less attractive to me." 

Most judges did not focus on de Rossi, however, attributing Vandervoort's easy win to Vandervoort herself by saying "if Laura can make scenes with Tyler bearable, it must be that she is ridikulusly (sic.) attractive."  Vandervoort's relative newness did garner de Rossi at least one vote with one judge writing "I'm really stoned right now. Also, I had never heard of Vandervoort before and that made me not want to vote for her for some reason."  That same judge scored Vandervoort an 8 and de Rossi a 7, he seemed to have surrendered to the difficult decision facing him.

Vandervoort will face Megan Fox in the West Central semi-finals where the all four predicting this matchup foresee a Vandervoort win.  This goes along with the average hotness of both actresses since Vandervoort scores over 1 point higher than Megan Fox (7.1).

Portia is ranked eighth in hotness and is tied for seventh in median score.  Her scores are 2 fives, 5 sevens, 1 eight and 1 nine.

Vandervoort scored 1 five, 2 sixes, 2 eights, 1 nine and 4 tens.

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