Friday, February 4, 2011

Top 45 Healthy Foods For Diet and Heart

Here are the healthiest foods that claimed by, which could be part of your daily meal.

Dairy Foods (4)

Low-fat milk (the skim more recommended), low-fat cheese, egg products (particularly the whites), and yogurt.

Fruit (11)

Bananas (rich in potassium), oranges, apples, strawberries, apricots, cherries, blueberries (to lower cholesterol and both as antioxidants which fight cancer), cantaloupe, guava, avocado, and watermelon (natural detox for the body).

Vegetables (9)
Broccoli, carrots, peas, spinach, pumpkin, tela, tomatoes, black beans, and onions.

Processed Bread (7)
Bread wheat, wheat sandwich, wheat roll, brown rice, wheat cereals, wheat pasta, and oatmeal.

Processed Meat (6)

Lean meat, skinless chicken breast or tenderloin, sliced turkey, chopped pork, canned tuna, and salmon.

Snack (8)

Popcorn low salt, healthy crackers, beans, applesauce, canned fruit, vegetables or fruit chips, raisins, and pretzels

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