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Monday, November 30, 2009
Babaji's Inspirational Wisdom Quotes
Spiritual Articles Yoga Postures Meditation Techniques Divine life Spiritual Quotes Yoga Asanas Mudras Pranayam Spiritual Discourses Health Tips Healthy Guide Ayurveda Accupressure Indian Gods Goddesses Hindu Gods Yoga For Health ...
Imagine Me & Lena
My love for Lena runs long and deep (that sounded dirty…I’m OK with that). “Imagine Me & You” is one of those movies that I have to watch whenever it is on. There is no other option. How can you turn away from Lena Headey kissing another woman? Answer: You can’t; don’t try.
Watching the movie again (it had inexplicably been a while – also, why don’t I own my own copy?) rekindled my unending love for all things Lena. Which, naturally, got me thinking about the first time I noticed her, 12 years ago, as the dashing Sally Seton in “Mrs. Dalloway.” You can see why poor Clarissa couldn’t stop thinking about her, even all those decades later. Also, never interrupt a woman when she is kissing Lena. You will be greeted only by dagger stares, and rightfully so.
What is so wonderful about Lena (besides that she is the best scowler in the business) is that she plays gay so often and effortlessly. She was the lesbian partner to a Victorian poet in “Possession,” though that ended badly (like “What are you doing with those stones in your pockets, Virginia Woolf?”-badly).
And before that she was gay (and a dominatrix, score!) in the gritty British miniseries “Band of Gold” about women who work in the red light district. From what I’ve seen of that though, things didn’t end all that great there either. But at least she no one walked into a river as far as I can tell.
Sure, she wasn’t gay in “Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles” (though she wore a lot of tank tops and brandished a shotgun, so it can be forgiven) and doesn’t appear to be gay in her upcoming role in the HBO series “Game of Thrones.” But she will “smart, cunning and devious” as the royal Cersei. So, with any luck, we’ll see a lot more of that sexy scowl and that lopsided grin. And, who knows, maybe one day in the not so distant future she’ll kiss girls again for us. How could anyone who puts her hands so convincingly in her pockets not? Answer: She must; don’t worry.
Friday, November 27, 2009
My Weekend Crush
Rashida comes across as many things you might not expect from the daughter of show business royalty (Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton, in case you were wondering). Funny. Smart. Likable. Grounded. As Ann, she is the voice of reason and, more often than not, incredulity on the show. She makes the perfect straight man, well, gal to Amy’s zanily optimistic Leslie. It’s easy to get a laugh being silly, it’s much harder to get a laugh reacting to said silliness. But Rashida does it, week after week. And along the way she comes across as something even better: real. You feel like if you hung out with her for an evening it would be a night of good company and great laughs – kind of like watching “Parks and Recreation.” Happy weekend, all.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
be a team playerz..........
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Some things you never grow out of – and thankfully so. We’re a day away from the day we here in the states all try to remember what we’re thankful for, so maybe I’m feeling a little nostalgic. I’ll be taking Thanksgiving off to gorge myself on roasted tryptophan and buttered rolls. But today, I just want to enjoy the uncomplicated joy that is The Muppets singing “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Happy Thanksgiving, all.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tank Top Tuesday: Evening News Edition
These shots, apparently taken at the afterparty the night of her debut as CBS Evening News anchor, were posted by her daughter on Facebook. And the rest is, well, history. (Note to Self: Never have kids – or at the very least ban them from Facebook.)
Considering her choice of tops, I felt it only appropriate that Katie get a place of glory in the pantheon of Tank Top Tuesday. Get your boogie on all you want, girl. You deserve it.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Glam or Gaga
Dear Adam Lambert,
Hey there, you big gaymo. Look, I didn’t say anything when you came out with your My Pretty Pony meets Space Camp meets your cousin Sheila’s high school yearbook photo from 1985 during her experimental eyeliner phase album cover for “For Your Entertainment.” And I didn’t say anything when the editor of Out wrote that open letter complaining about you even as he put you on the magazine’s cover (for the record, I think I might be on your side on that one). But you leave me no choice after your American Music Awards performance last night. Now, I don’t normally watch the AMAs. They’re basically not a real awards show but paperweights given out as an excuse for superstars to get on stage and sell records. But I keep reading about people falling and fire and fellatio on my Twitter feed last night so I was forced to tune in. (Note: The West Coast feed had JLo’s assplant cut from its broadcast. Don’t you know moments like that are the only reason we watch in the first place?)
Anyway, the night was basically two performances for me. 1. Lady Gaga and 2. You. So let me break this down as simply as we can.
This is how you do outrageous right. Please note the wearing of lighted exoskeletons and control-top pantyhose in lieu of clothing.
And, then, of course, fire.
This is how you do outrageous wrong. Please note that simulated blow jobs are never, ever good TV. (p.s. This was also cut from the West Coast feed. p.p.s. You suck, AMA editors).
Also, while as a rule I approve wholeheartedly of kissing androgynous bandmates on live television, that kiss was about as hot as the Al and Tipper Gore smooch at the 2000 Democratic Convention.
The main problem I have is that your performance smacked of shock for shock’s sake. It wanted to badly to be shocking and failed even at that. Also, you were kinda pitchy, dawg. Look, Lady Gaga works not because she is shocking but because she is ambitious. She wants to be different and aggressively so, so even if she fails sometimes it is never dull. And she does it all with vision. There is nothing visionary about grinding a dude’s face in your man bits and grabbing ladies by their lady business.
Having said all that, I do appreciate how unabashedly you are bringing the gay these days. Don’t ever stop. Same goes for the sparkly pants. But, seriously, fire your choreographer.
Ms. Snarker
Friday, November 20, 2009
beliau menjabat sebagai presiden amerika yang 16 di pilih dan di angkat mulai 4 maret 1861, tidak ada tanda yang istimewa dari beliau kecuali pandangan hidupnya tentang persamaan status,drajat dan ras dengan menghapuskan sistem perbudakan, maka lengkaplah sudah dirinya memimpin, beliau pernah gagal dua kali dalam pemilihan anggota senat, dengan metode membenci perbudakan akhirnya beliau memenangkan pemilihan menjadi seorang bupati '' loh... maksud saya Presiden Amerika dari partai republik
Proclamation of emancipation adalah dekrit untuk penghapusan perbudakan pada tahun 1863, yang di tambahkan ke dalam UUD AS sebagai pasal ketiga belas pada tahun 1865, beliau mampu menjadi pemimpin yang bijaksana bahkan menurut catatan sejarah beliau adalah presiden amerika serikat paling hebat, benar-benar seorang aquarius sejati rupanya alm bapak satu ini, maklum saya sendiri juga berzodiak aquarius, (iklan::: dan klanz moova adalah jantung keabadian yang bermotokan tetap dekati teman-temanmu tapi lebih dekat lagi dengan musuh-musuhmu(yang tadi itu iklan) lantas siapakah presiden amerika yang ke 16 ini..?? yang jalan cerita serta pemikiranya mirip dengan saya tentunya, agak narsis dikit saya rasa bolehlah sekedar penguat motifasi dalam aliran darah ini... huek'''$%^&**
Tapi sepertinya dalam kehidupan ini memang selalu ada dua kubu yaitu kebaikan serta kejahatan nah.. hal ini terjadi pada masa beliau menjabat presiden banyak para penentang perang mengkritik beliau karena sikapnya yang menolak berkompromi terhadap perbudakan. Sebaliknya, kaum konservatif dari golongan Republik radikal, faksi pro penghapusan perbudakan Partai republik, mengkritik dirinya karena sikapnya yang lambat dalam penghapusan perbudakan. Walaupun terhambat oleh berbagai rintangan, doi berhasil menyatukan opini publik melalui retorika dan pidatonya; pidato terbaiknya adalah Pidato Gettysburg. Mendekati akhir peperangan, dirinya bersikap moderat terhadap rekonstruksi, yaitu mendambakan persatuan kembali bangsa melalui kebijakan rekonsiliasi yang lunak.
ini cerita atau kisah seorang pemimpin di masa lalu yang sebetulnya ?? kisah ini malas saya ceritakan karena paman google sepertinya memiliki banyak cerita khususnya untuk wikipedia saya rasa banyak tuh yang lebih lengkap, namun siapa juga tokoh yang saya maksud seorang tokoh amerika sebuah negara yang saya sendiri belum bisa mengunjunginya (cacingan dech lo...??) lagian sapa juga yang mo ke amerika mendingan gw ke amsterdam atau ke praha sekalian, nah beliau sendiri teryata wafat dengan tragedi pembunuhan yang disinyalir karena sikap beliau yang pemberontak atau lebih tepatnya seorang idialist, maklum aquarius !!! ga bisa di atur alias semau-maunya, yoo.. pantes matinya di bunuh' beliau wafat pada tanggal 15 april 1865 di wangsingtoon(kartun wang bernyanyi) becanda' tidak bermaksud menghina amerika loh.. maksudnya washinton, beliau wafat di washinton dc pada tanggal 15 april (siaran ulang bo') pada umur 56th
beliau mengawasi perang secara ketat, termasuk pemilihan panglima perang seperti ulysses s.grant, Para ahli sejarah menyimpulkan beliau mengorganisir faksi-faksi dalam partai republik dengan baik, membawa tiap pemimpin faksi ke dalam kabinetnya dan memaksa mereka bekerja sama. pak presiden ke 16 ini berhasil meredakan ketegangan dengan inggris menyusul skandal trent pada tahun 1861. Di bawah kepemimpinannya pihak Utara berhasil menduduki wilayah Selatan dari awal peperangan. beliau kemudian terpilih kembali sebagai presiden AS pada tahun 1864. sampai akhir yang mengenaskan itu tiba.
My Weekend Crush
So I’ve been thinking a lot about Sarah Paulson lately. She’s made a bit of news, what with her amicable split from Cherry Jones and emphatic assertion that her ex and Jodie are not America’s newest celesbian couple. But mostly what I’ve been thinking about is how talented she is, far too talented to not be on my television (or big screen, I can share) on a regular basis. Of course, she is happy and marvelous on the stage out yonder in New York City. Which is fine. But that leaves all of us middle and left coast cold and alone.
I’ll let you in on a little secret that may be surprising for some of you. Back in 2006 when NBC had this wacky idea of premiering two shows set behind the scenes at late-night sketch comedies, I wasn’t initially on Team 30 Rock. Sure I enjoyed “30 Rock,” but my attention first went to “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.” I’ll give you a second to recover from the shock. At first, my affections were rewarded. The writing was whip-smart, the cast was tremendous and there was this lovely creature called Sarah Paulson warming our hearts each week. Of course, half way through that first season things went sadly awry and I never even ended up watching the end of that series. But what that short-lived run did give me was a lifetime adoration of Ms. Paulson.
There’s that adorable little overbite, that delightful sparkle in her eyes. She is accessible, yet clearly intelligent. And then there is her Twitter stream where she is prone to use the word FUCK in all caps and holds open conversations with an ungodly number of people – some famous and more just ordinary folk. It’s pretty amazing and well worth a follow @sarahpaulson (and while you’re at it and if you don’t already, give me a follow @dorothysnarker – though I can’t guarantee anything similar to Sarah except a penchant for the word fuck.)
In short, someone needs to hire Sarah. In fact, I feel terribly remiss in not mentioning her for one of the two lesbian comedies in development right now. Think of it: Starring Sarah Paulson and Leisha Hailey. Make it happen, universe. Happy weekend, all.
p.s. You haven’t really lived until you’ve seen Sarah impersonate Holly Hunter…and a dolphin. See, adorable.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
So Sue me
Last week’s episode added untold layers to Sue Sylvester. Which in turn added untold layers to Jane. While she has been one of the most reliable scene stealers in the business for the past decade, she can do so more than just the funny business. She can be warm, she can be generous, she can be serious – and still steal the scene. I recently caught her on “Criminal Minds” as Dr. Reid’s schizophrenic mother. She was amazing and there wasn’t a laugh to be had.
Of course, that doesn’t mean we aren’t in love with the laughs. In fact, now I can’t imagine what I would do if I couldn’t get my weekly dose of Jane. On script, off script, she is a guaranteed crack up. On Tuesday she showed up on the “Tonight Show” and managed in a few short minutes to idolize Carol Burnett, call out Andy Richter and explain the art of throw pillow throwing.
And then, well, then there is this little gem. I give you Jane Lynch, dancing, a blow dryer and tank top.
In particular, I want you to pay attention at second :35. Oh, to be that zipper.
Like I was saying, If Jane Lynch Doesn’t Win an Emmy It’ll Be a Crime Against Humanity. And that’s how Snarker C’s it.
p.s. Hey, “Glee,” never leave Jane out of an episode like that again. You’ve been warned.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pillar of Salt
Well hello again, Action Angie. The poster and trailer for Angelina Jolie’s new spy thriller “Salt” are out. And they both make no mistake in telling us who is the star here. (Though, they make her look a little like a genetically-engineered mash-up of Milla Jovovich and Megan Fox.) Of course, it’s hardly news that Angelina is a mega movie star. But what I like about this film in particular is that it was originally meant as a star vehicle for Tom Cruise. But when he turned it down Angelina stepped seamlessly in instead. The last film I can think of where a woman stepped in for a man was Jodie Foster’s 2005 thriller “Flight Plan.” The trailer shows us plenty of heroic running and jumping and kicking butt – all things we’ve seen from Angelina before. But what I like, both in the trailer and poster, is the suggestion of something more dangerous. Is she a good patriotic American or is she an evil Russian spy sent to destroy us all? Also, since when are the Russians our movie bad guys again? Take a look for yourself.
Now, I like my Angie with a little edge. In her best roles like “Girl, Interrupted” and “Gia” she unleashes something wild, almost primal. The popcorn crowd has certainly let it be known which Angie they prefer: Action Angie – big box office, Drama Angie – not so much. Of course, I do worry that things could get repetitive. I mean, how many times can we watch Angie jump onto a moving vehicle and head butt a guy? Oh, OK – just this once more. So, what do you think? Will you give “Salt” a try, or are you more into Pepper? Hey, don’t groan. You know I couldn’t resist. Commend me for holding out this long.
p.s. Am I the only one who is having a serious OCD issue with her being slightly off center on the poster? No? Just me? Fine, I’ve got to go scrub the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush anyway.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tank Top Tuesday
Dichen LachmanThe tank top in lieu of pants is always, always a good choice.
Miracle Laurie
It’s a crime they didn’t put Mellie/November/Madeline in more tank tops. A crime, I say.
Olivia WilliamsMe! Me! Lasso me!
Summer GlauSpeak softly and carry a big-ass gun.
[Catch Summer’s first appearance when “Dollhouse” returns for its final run Dec. 4]
Amy Acker
In my defense, I think that scrap of cloth masquerading as a top actually used to be a tank top.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Leave it to Beaver
Jodie, as you might have heard, is directing and starring in a new movie. A movie called “The Beaver.” A movie about a man who communicates with a beaver puppet he wears as if it was a real person. Sounds crazy, is crazy. And because crazy loves crazy, Mel Gibson is starring as said crazy beaver-talking guy. No, I did not make that up – I am not nearly that creative. Now, reading about this is one thing, seeing it is entirely another. I mean, this shit is nuts, no?
Yes, the only answer is yes. First, there are just too many jokes to make here. A man, a beaver, Jodie Foster? Head spinning. Mind racing. Must. Stay. Focused.
OK, funny business aside, Jodie plays Mel’s wife in the movie. The two have been good friends since they co-starred in that 1994 Western comedy “Maverick.” And she famously defended him after the whole getting arrested for drunk driving, blaming the Jews for everything Mel-O-Drama a few years ago. This is actually one of his first movies back since that ugly incident. Well, who knows, maybe a wacky comedy about a man who keeps his hand up a beaver is exactly the vehicle Mel needs to make people forget about his raging antisemitism. Or maybe running around looking like an idiot on screen is part of some karmic penance.
As awkward as it always is to watch Jodie romance a man on screen (remember “Contact” and her negative chemistry with Matthew McConaughey? Better yet, don’t), this movie at the very least doesn’t sound dull. Yes, I still have problems with Mel. But, dude, a beaver puppet.
Adding to my amusement is the appearance of Cherry Jones, who has a yet-undisclosed role in the film. Though Cherry’s mere presence on set was enough to spark rumors on The Internets that she and Jodie were an item. These rumors were quickly and decisively shot down by Cherry’s ex (and still good friend) Sarah Paulson.
Well, shoot, that would have been quite an interesting pairing. But, at least we have more fodder for our inner 12-year-old. I mean – come on – two lesbians in a movie about beaver? These jokes just write themselves.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Vacation Vixen: Jodie Foster
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Vacation Vixen: Sue Sylvester
[Click to embiggen, image via betternovembers]
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Vacation Vixen: Neve Campbell
Whatever happened to Neve Campbell? While most gay gals (and a considerable number of frat guys) probably remember her best camping it up with Denise Richards in “Wild Things,” my fondest memory is of tuning in special to “Party of Five” to catch her oh-so-brief kiss with Olivia d’Abo (who will always be Kevin Arnold’s older sister to me). Whatever happened to Olivia, too, while we’re at it?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Vacation Vixen: Gillian Anderson
Monday, November 9, 2009
Vacation Vixen: Parminder Nagra
Sunday, November 8, 2009
SI pianis syndrom capit kepiting
Tercatatlah sebuah nama Hee ah lee seorang perempuan yang berasal dari korea selatan, pada masing-masing tanganya hanya terdapat dua jari berbentuk capit, seperti lobster/kepiting tanpa telapak tangan, bahkan tingginya pun tak' tebih dari tinggi dari pinggang orang dewasa dengan panjang kaki hanya selutut, bentuk kakinya pun tidak sempurna, kaerena mirip tangan, untuk seumuranya mentali intelektualnya tidak lebih dari anak umur 11th, dengan keterbelakangan mental yang seperti itu rasa-rasanya sulit membayangkan bahwa dirinya mampu untuk melakukan banyak hal namun yang terjadi malah sebaliknya Ah lee teryata mampu memainkan piano sekelas pianis dunia semacam Beethoven, permainan piano klasiknya mampu memukau semua orang yang mendengarkanya
Bahkan saya sendiri sebetulnya belum pernah mendengar permainannya namun rasa penasaran itu akan terbayar bila lagu atau musiknya saya dapatkan, ibunya yang bernama woo kap sun menyadari betul bahwa anak yang dikandungnya akan terlahir cacat dan parahnya beberapa kerabat dekatnya menyarankan untuk digugurkan dengan alasan akan menyiksa si anak ketika dewasa kelak dan akan menjadi aib kelurga, namun woo kap sun bersikeras untuk melahirkanya sebab woo kap sun menyadari bahwa anak adalah anugerah tuhan dan apapun rencana tuhan pada akhirnya akan menjadi sebuah kebahagiaan
Ah lee terlahir cacat menurut dokter di sebabkan oleh karena suami Woo kap sun terlalu sering mengkonsumsi obat-obatan dan kecacatan Ah lee adalah efek dari obat-obatan itu, namun kecacatan Ah lee tidak membuat Ah lee menyesal justru ia semakin rajin untuk berlatih piano terkadang ibunya sendiripun merasa tidak tega bila melihat anaknya tidak pernah merasa letih untuk berlatih, beruntung seorang guru piano bernama Joo me kyoung bersedia mengajari tekhnik bermain piano alhasil jadilah seperti sekarang ini Ah lee sang pianis berjari empat
Jika saja orang sekelas Ah lee yang notabenenya seorang cacat mampu menjadi seorang yang berarti di dunia ini saya jadi terharu dan berfikir mengapa banyak sekali orang yang normal tidak mau atau tidak punya keinginan kuat untuk menjadi orang yang berarti di dunia ini, termasuk saya sendiri mungkin, tapi dengan keadaan normal seperti saya ini seharusnya saya mampu menjadi jauh lebih hebat dari orang-orang semacam Ah lee. (amien)
Friday, November 6, 2009
My Weekend Crush
One of the many great things about Elizabeth is that for a beautiful woman she is awfully scrappy. You wouldn’t think it at first with her delicate features and willowy frame. But that girl can scrap. As Juliet on “Lost” and now as FBI agent and alien fighter Erica Evans on “V,” she brings a competent intensity to her portrayals. I think to truly play brainy and tough well, you have to be a little bit of both. And Elizabeth is a lot of both. But what she also has is the ability to convey incredible empathy. Like if she were to look at you with those blue, blue eyes she would know you instantly and completely. And if she were to cock that eyebrow at you, well, if you’re really, really lucky maybe you’d get to know her, too. Happy weekend, all.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Unbreak my heart
Our Emma, the fierce fighter of sex trafficking, the advocate against fiddling with your face, the unapologetic smartie, the bawdy wit and the champion of always eating dessert. No, not our Emma.
And now, it seems it really will be no, not our Emma after all. The prodigiously talented Oscar winner has said she will remove her name from the petition. And we have the courageous work of Shakesville reader Caitlin to thank for her change of heart. You see, Caitlin, a student at Exeter University, knew she was going to have the opportunity to meet Emma at a campus event. So she set up a petition online, gathered 400-plus signatures of her own, and then took them to Emma to ask her to reconsider her signature on Roman Polanski petition.
And wouldn’t you know it, but Emma listened. As Caitlin wrote to Shakesville:
Emma did not have much time between meetings, but she gave me all of the time that she had. I asked her why she had signed the petition, and she explained about how well she knows Polanski, how terrible his life has been, and how forgiving the survivor of the rape all those years ago now is. She said she thought the intentions of the judge were unclear, as were the intentions of those who arrested him recently. She told me that a lot of her friends had rung her up asking her to sign the petition, so there had been a certain amount of pressure. She said that she had already been thinking a lot about the petition, as others had expressed their dismay at her signing it.
I handed her our petition and the comments. She read them both through thoroughly, and came back to me. She said, while she supported Polanski as a friend, a crime is a crime. I don't know whether she had realised the extent of Polanski's crime, but she is now fully aware. She will remove her name from the petition – in fact, she said she would call today and sort it out. Even though, she stressed, Polanski has had some truly terrible experiences in his lifetime, experiences that we couldn't even imagine and which should not be taken out of the equation, she agreed that she could not put her name to a petition asking for his release....
She left me with this, to pass on to everyone who has signed the petition/raised awareness of this issue: “Know that I will remove my name because of you, and all of the good work that you have been doing. I have read your petition. I have heard you. And I will listen.”
Never underestimate the power of one person to effect change. We forget this sometimes, amid a crushing sea of injustices. But sometimes all it really takes is one voice to pierce the darkness. Thank you, Caitlin. And thank you, Emma, for listening.
UPDATE: Emma is officially OFF THE PETITION. Broken hearts really can be mended. Recommence loving every inch of her great big magnificent brain...and other bits.