Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It’s such a Shane

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The thing about Katherine Moennig is regardless her role or regardless her orientation, we’re always going to feel a little possessive. We can’t help it. She is and will always be The Artist Formerly Known as Shane. Not that she can’t grow past Shane. Not that she has to tell us she is gay. She just feels like ours so we’re gonna claim her. Dibs, world. Dibs.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Kate looks like one of ours whenever we see her. It’s physically impossible for her to look at her and not see that certain something. I don’t care if she is wearing scrubs, a lab coat or just a stethoscope, she is still our gal. I mean, she seemingly owns an entire wardrobe consisting of thin, white V-neck shirts. OK, fine, sometimes she wears a black one, too.

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Seems Kate has her own separation anxiety from Shane these days. In a Q&A with the Los Angeles Times, she waxed (see what I did there, Wax?) eloquent on her former alter ego, her new role and that hair – sweet heavens, that hair.

Do you miss playing Shane?

At this moment, I miss a lot about her. The beauty of that character was her unabashed way of viewing life. She was so unapologetic. She was always deemed the bad girl, and that was always good to play. She was a bit dangerous but also extremely screwed up in the head. I was sad to see her go. I miss her soul. I loved the debauchery that she created in her life.

I loved the debauchery, too. Tasty, tasty debauchery. The Shenny stuff? Eh. Kate revealed that Rosanna Arquette and Sarah Shahi were two of her favorite on-screen paramours. And she noted that she “connected very well” with Sarah. If by “connected very well” she means “looks fantastic naked together,” then truer words have hardly been spoken.

And, just like the rest of the planet, she shared in the WTF about the Who Killed Jenny ending to “The L Word.”

“I think it was a surprising way to end the show, definitely. . . . There was a reason behind it -- I'm not too sure what that reason was, but I'm told there was one. If my favorite show ended that way I'd be like, "What?!"”

But what about Dr. Miranda Foster. Will we soon all be cooing, you’re looking very Miranda today? Will lesbians everywhere be signing organ donor cards in hypothetical hope of one day brushing up against the good doctor?

And then, kids, then there’s The Wig. As we all know, Kate likes it short and choppy and Dr. Foster is more of a shoulder-length kind of gal. So how do they solve a problem like butch hairstyles?

“There was a lot of talk between extensions and a wig; finally we decided to just get a really good wig. There are days when I can't stand it, but I also really like coming to work, putting it on, doing my job, taking it off, and then going home and being me.”

Love the wig or hate the wig (for me, it depends on the angle), at the end of the day we know she still looks like this. And this, my friends, looks very Shane. It’s gone beyond a character to just an adjective. And sometimes a verb. Or a proper noun, as originally intended. It’s all over the Kinsey Scale of words.

p.s. No one ever called her Alt.Gywn, despite what Wikipedia may say. This makes me feel considerably better about her friends. I don’t care if they are cousins, Alt.Gwyn is a ridiculous nickname.

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